I really dropped the ball on this. I didn't realize until I was on my way to Minot that this was the 50th anniversary of the activation of the 786th ACWRON/RADS site. If I had realized this ahead of time, it certainly would have been on the T-shirts.
In any event, it seems as if we had a really good time, renewing old (emphasis on this word) friendships. A couple of days at the Minot VFW BSing, and a few dinners together were simply great.
Many thanks to the Minot VFW for allowing us to use their facilities.
Also, many thanks go to Wes Torgerson of Max, the present owner of the old radar station, for hosting a tour on Saturday, 23 June.
Kneeling L-R: Bruce Duller, Gene McManus, Gary Thomas, Doug Searles, Dave Schumacher
Standing L-R: Reed Adell, Bob Richter, Bill Kickert, Ralph Berryman, Bob Jacobs
At the site entrance gate. L-R: Gary Thomas, legs belonging to Jorden Thomas, Wes
Torgerson (owner), Bob Jacobs, Bruce Duller, Betty Thomas, Bill Kickert, Paul Gearin,
Doug Searles, Ralph Berryman (hiding behind Doug) and Dave Schumacher.
A few guys at the Minot VFW. L-R: Ralph Berryman, Doug Searles,
Bruce Duller, Reed Adell.
Bob "Jake" Jacobs & Dave Schumacher at the VFW hall
The group with barracks 5 in the background. (It only rained a little)
The group with the Orderly Room sign. Kneeling L-R: Bill Kickert, Reed Adell,
Gary Thomas, Gene McManus, Doug Searles. Standing L-R: Bruce Duller, Paul Gearin,
Dave Schumacher, Jon Etier, Bob "Jake" Jacobs, Ralph Berryman, Bob Richter.
Taking a look at barracks 5.
Dave Schumacher & Gary Thomas inspect one of the buildings on site.
NCO Club
Ralph Berryman gets one last trim from Gary Thomas in the old barber chair still
in the Rec Hall.
Dave Searles visits his old barracks room
Bob Richter visits his old room in barracks 5 - somewhat rearranged from the old days.
Yours truly in his old barracks room in Barracks 6.
Who is this youngster, and why is he so happy???!!!
L-R: Gene McManus, Ralph Berryman, Gary Thomas, Bob Richter, Dave Schumacher
L-R: Pat & Bob Richter, Dixie & Gene McManus, Gary Thomas